sobota, januar 29, 2005

Project Alpter ::: Home Page

::Project Alpter ::: Home Page::

Intereg project 'ALPTER' was born to contrast the abandonment of terraced agricultural areas in the alpine region, a problem that only during the last years has risen the attention of both institutions and population. Loss of productive land, increase of natural hazard, loss of biodiversity and disappearance of a rich cultural heritage are all consequences of the decay of terraced structures.

The project will work in areas spread all over the alpine region, to collect data, develop specific technologies and realize examples of productive recovery.
The final aim is to promote large scale transformation. At the same time, a network will be build, to put in contact the different subjects involved in this topic, to permit exchange of information and synergies.

- Atlas of the terraced landscapes , to present this theme to the large public
- Handbook for recovery of agricultural terraces , for the stakeholders
- Proposals for plans of recovery in areas all over the alpine region
- 5 pilot works of recovery that will produce examples of productive reuse
- Network of the terraced landscapes , to share the resources for recovery

Regione Veneto - Urban planning and Natural heritage Department (IT)
Regione Liguria - Spatial and Landscape Planning Dept. (IT)
Regione Valle d’Aosta - Agriculture and Land Protection Dept. (IT)
I.R.E.A.L.P. - Inst. for Economic and Ecologic Research in the Alps (IT)
University of Lubjana - Faculty of Architecture (SLO)
BOKU University Wien - Inst. of Landscape Development (AU)
A.D.I. - Association for Infographic Development (FR)
Regione Bregaglia (SWI)
Observer partner:
U.N.E.S.C.O. - Bureau for science in Europe.